Welcome to HQ's Blog

Hello World! If you've visited this blog before, welcome back. Please help me what article do you like by give it a comment. But if you're new with this blog, please feel free to stay ahead for a shortwhile, to read my articles. I assure you will get something by read it carefully. Haha...

Ok ok... By the way, this blog belongs to me, Haqqi. Yeah, that is my nickname. If you want to know about me, please read the top sidebar titled "About Me". If you want to know MORE about me, please feel free to add my Messenger (xp_guitarist) and chat with me. I am Indonesian. My English is not so good, so please don't laugh if my 'syntax' is wrong. But sometimes I will post my blog in Bahasa Indonesia (I think most of them will).

The reason I create this blog is, I want to share everything I can share. From my experience, computer program I used, my algorithms and source codes, and some useful infos and tips. So, if you want to request something I can, feel free to ask. And if you also want to share me something, I always open my hand, haha. Anyway, WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

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This blog is dead!!! I moved it to my new blog in http://haqqi.net. Thank you for reading this blog. Hope you will read my new blog too.

N-Queen Problem (Source Code)

Dec 18, 2008

Here is my source code of N-Queen Problem

This post refers to my previous post about N-Queen problem. As I said before, I promise to give my source code to you, who wants. I don't need to tell you more, since all have been told before. Although I don't need to, I still want to write more. About what? Of course, something not important. I couldn't be too proud again. Because before post this article, I found my friend who can program better than me, although the topic is different. I did about N-Queen, he did about ******, although he is in another class.

Now I have to study more and more, to be better than him. Nothing will be told anymore, I want to stay in front of my laptop again, to finish my next project. Ok ok, here is my source code:
Download Link

I wrote my source code in NetBeans 6.1. So for you who usually use NetBeans of course know how to open it. Last words, see ya at my next post!!!


Anonymous said...

postingan yang menarik dan membantu. Terimakasih sudah mau membagi source code. Jarang sekali saya menemukan programer yang mengeshare script programnya seperti anda. Semoga programer2 lain terinspirasi oleh cara anda, agar mereka tidak pelit. Saya juga sudah lihat source code program eliminasi gauss jordan di blog anda yang berada di blogspot. Itu hal yang luar biasa. Kalau bisa tolong posting program eliminasi tersebut dalam bentuk PHP nya, supaya mudah untuk belajar pemrograman tersebut.
Salam kenal sobat... :)

Haqqi said...

Thanks Indar
Kalau saya sih kalo cuma segini ya enjoy2 aja share source. Beda lagi kalau itu buat pekerjaan, atau source dari program punya klien. Tapi saya selalu share kok kalau untuk berbagi ilmu.
Saya nggak keberatan kalau mau ngubah jadi PHP. Masalahnya, saya sama sekali nggak bisa PHP. Jadi maaf ya... Tapi saya masih coba belajar PHP juga kok. Jadi sebaiknya anda juga belajar Java aja, biar sama2 bisa. Hehe...