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Ok ok... By the way, this blog belongs to me, Haqqi. Yeah, that is my nickname. If you want to know about me, please read the top sidebar titled "About Me". If you want to know MORE about me, please feel free to add my Messenger (xp_guitarist) and chat with me. I am Indonesian. My English is not so good, so please don't laugh if my 'syntax' is wrong. But sometimes I will post my blog in Bahasa Indonesia (I think most of them will).

The reason I create this blog is, I want to share everything I can share. From my experience, computer program I used, my algorithms and source codes, and some useful infos and tips. So, if you want to request something I can, feel free to ask. And if you also want to share me something, I always open my hand, haha. Anyway, WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

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This blog is dead!!! I moved it to my new blog in http://haqqi.net. Thank you for reading this blog. Hope you will read my new blog too.

What a Great Performance

Oct 27, 2008

Report from Paparon's Stage

As scheduled, our band has played on Paparon's Stage. We went on stage just before break time, maybe 5p.m. Actually the whole schedule was postponed because of the rain. But some bands before us was cancelled. What a pity...

Okay, I will tell all about the event. The name of the event is 100% Japan (I forget the full name), presented by J-Zone Malang Ottaku Community and Cosuki. Placed in Paparon's Pizza in Malang, Indonesia at October 25th 2008. Scheduled to start at 3 p.m. but postponed until 4 p.m. More than 20 bands scheduled to play in 15 minutes each band.

Our formation just like recent. I as Guitarist and Vocalist, Faris as Guitarist, Miftah as Bassist, and Pras as Drummer. But we played with new vocalist. Like I said before, her name is Kinanti, a pretty but "hazardous" girl (I'm sorry Kinanti...). What is the definition of the "hazardous"? I will tell you if that happened.

As planned, we played 3 of High and Mighty Color's songs. Those are Rosier, Tegami, and Ichiriin no Hana. I will give reviews about everything. First, the stage and environment. The instruments was rented from Gashanta Studio. The whole things is good, except the cable (because of that our performance wasn't perfect, I will tell later). The most I hate is the creepy soundman. As I see after our performance, many band's sound is not balanced. Like our band, my guitar sound is too little.

About our performance, again, I think that's good for now. Although my guitar sound wasn't in the best condition, I had a will to be on stage again. Pras done better and stable pace. Faris's skill is going better too. I don't notice about Miftah, but I think he is better too. Me? Ow... although I am too busy to play guitar everyday, my skill doesn't come down. Lastly, our vocalist. Well, well, well... I think her performance is not too good. She said that I like "patung es". But as I see, she is the one that like "patung es" on stage. Haha... but it's okay. It will be improved by the experiences.

Sorry if the photo I upload is too small because it's from cellphone camera. I will upload on photo hosting if I get the better version.

What people said:
- My Mom:
Your vocalist is changed again? (I said yes)
Why? (I said because the previous vocalist was...)
Ow, I see... My comments is your new vocalist power is better. But, the unnatural thing is she often sweeped her hair. Maybe she confused with her hair or her hair is about to fall down, haha... (I said I didn't notice that)

- Reza Yoshimitsu:
Wow, your Rosier is good. I like it (I said of course)
But, what happened when you play Ichiriin no Hana, at part after melody? (I said I don't know, my guitar sound was dissapeared)
Ok, I want to borrow your guitar belt (I said Okay!)

- My Dad:
Your vocalist is changed again? (I said yes)
Why? (I said because the previous vocalist was...)
Ow, actually I wanted to visit her parents. How about visiting your new vocalist's parents? (I said it's not necessary, she lives with her aunt)
And why your guitar sound was too little? (I said I don't know. I think the sound manager is creepy)

- My Little Sister:
Huwaaaa... (She was crying because she wanted to see me but couldn't because she has an english lesson)

- Faris Akatsuki:
Hey, your producer is dissappointed. He wanted us to play our own song. (I said really?! Let's go to him to say sorry)

- Another People:
Wow, your performance is good. I like it. (I said thanks...)

And you, whether came to Paparon's or not, please give comment...


Anonymous said...

Congratulation for the your great performance bro !!!

Eventhough, I ddin't come and see, I know it was nice for a man who don't know much about music like me. hehehe..

Keep it on bro.

Waiting for next performance.

Salam sukses dan luar biasa,

Haqqi said...

Thanks bro...
I hope you will see our next performance.

Anonymous said...

saya hanya sekedar ingin tau paradigma seorang haqqi..
menurutmu apa itu arti kehidupan..??
dan apa yang sebenarnya kita cari dalam kehidupan..??

Haqqi said...

Maryam: Wah, bisa panjang tuh. Ntar aku tulis dalam post aja. Tunggu yah...

Saia sendiri belum benar-benar menemukan apa yang saia cari dalam hidup. Saia masih hidup dalam kehampaan. Cie...

Tapi... anda ini siapa yah???

Anonymous said...

oia, seorang haqqi bisa merasakan kehampaan dalam hidup..??
kok bisa ya..??
padahal setauku kamu tidak jauh dari Tuhan..
memang apa yang kamu cari kok bisa merasakan hampa..??
apa sudah merasakan titik jenuh untuk menjalani kehidupan..??
iya aku tunggu post-mu tentang apa itu yang namanya hidup.
makasih ya..

Haqqi said...


Justru karena belum nemu tujuan itu yang membuat saia merasa hampa.

Tunggu, saia nggak akan balas lagi n post lagi kalau anda belum menjelaskan siapa anda. Percuma saia bercerita pada orang yang nggak saia kenal.

Anonymous said...

gimana caranya kamu bisa tau aku..?? kenal aja gak.. aku mau cerita apa tentang aku..?? yang aku tau hanya namaku "fatimah maryam" seorang "muslimah" yang tertarik untuk "membaca, mengerti, memahami, menelaah, dan bertanya pada para blogger tentang karya-karya mereka." hanya sekedar membaca karya-karya anak bangsa, yang aku yakini adalah orang-orang sukses dalam menjalani hidup. sekedar itu saja. tidak lebih.
aku juga gak mau mengusik tentang kehidupan orang kok. itu bukan hak-ku. aku hanya ingin sekedar tau akan paradigma para blogger tentang apa itu arti hidup. gak lebih dari itu.
kalau kamu merasa keberatan. aku minta maaf.
makasih buat responnya selama ini.
doaku buat para blogger..

Anonymous said...

jadi kesimpulannya...
gak ada respon ya tentang arti hidup buat seorang Muhammad Fauzil Haqqi..??
ya udah kalau gitu..
makasih ya..
"Tuhan selalu ada umat-Nya"

Haqqi said...

Ada kok, tenang saja. Hanya saja itu butuh waktu untuk menulisnya. Karena saia juga mahasiswa biasa yang punya banyak tugas. Tunggu saja. Okay!!!

Anonymous said...

benar mbak maryam. tunggu aja waktunya nanti. dunia selalu berputar. Kita harus sadar akan posisi sekarang, ke depan, bahkan di masa lalu. jgn sampai kehidupan di saat ini melupakan kita pada akar kita sebenarnya.

masa sekarang ini mungkin hanya janhak panjang. bagaimana menjadikannya janka panjang adalah tantangannya

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